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Contract Status Management

Getting started with Contact Status Management.

Written by Almer Schrijver
Updated over a week ago

It is possible to assign a status to contracts in order to facilitate processing done outside of Briggs + Walker.

Follow these steps to start making use of this functionality;

  1. Define all required Contract Phases
    All different phases a contract can have e.g. Quality control, Call center, Customer action, etc. These phases can encompass every possible stage in the contract journey.

  2. Define all required Contract Status
    All the statuses a contract can have, these are linked to different phases.

  3. Configure the Import template
    The import template determines the format of the data that will be imported. This only needs to be determined if manual CSV imports are used.

Once Contract phases, Contract statuses and Import templates have been configured the following things will take place;

  • All future contracts made via Briggs + Walker will be assigned the initial Contract status and thus also a Contract phase.

  • Depending on the configuration of the contract statuses after configurable timeframes or events contracts will be changed accordingly

  • It will be possible to upload files into Contract Status Import to enact changes to the statuses of contracts that have been processed outside of Briggs + Walker.

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